Author: Guy Needler

The universe does not run on Karma, mankind creates it through infatuation with the low frequencies associated with the physical. Why perpetuate that which does not naturally exist.
You are powerful creating beings, who manifest reality on a daily basis. So beware what you wish for, for you will ultimately create that which you didn’t expect. Create consciously and not sub-consciously for sub conscious creation is a wasted opportunity to create that which is advantageous through consciousness. Full Consciousnesses is a function of the energetic and not of the […]
The roads to God are many and varied, but whatever road you take make it your own. Be persistent and patient, and not enticed by the roads of another which may seem faster but actually aren’t.
Calmness is a state of mind that deflects the opportunity for gaining karmic content through spontaneous response. Remaining in calmness in all situations makes the “observer self” come into “play”, ensuring that the bigger picture is taken into account, allowing us to respond in a respectful, thoughtful and knowledgeable way. Calmness should be applied at […]
For those who are not regulars to my Web Site Please find below a couple of links to the “Avoiding Karma” and “Messages From The Source Entity” sections of my Website. /category/messages-from-the-source-entity/ Namaste Guy
Here are a few links to lectures & workshops I am holding
Love is the antidote to Karma: Love God Love your neighbour, Love your enemy Love your partner/wife Love yourself Love your mistakes Love your successes Love your current experience Love your planet Love your teacher Love that which presents its “self” to offer you experience, learning and evolution. If you Love all of these things […]
Engaging in sex for procreation is both a necessity and a delight. However, engaging in sex for recreation can lead one down the path of addiction to physical sensation associated with sex, which is a low frequency function.
Beware of addictions, especially the minor ones that you may consider to be not an addiction but more of a preference. Addictions of any type are a constant ink to the low frequencies. Minor addictions are insidious and invisible to all but the most vigilant of truth seekers.
If we are all one, how can we be singular, and if we are all singular, how can we be all one! The answer is that we are all the “collective totality” of the entity we call God.
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