The Curators

The Curators – Gods Maintenance Entities

(Due to be printed October 2019)

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This book is based upon the dialogues I am having with The Source Entity (SE1) on the structure behind the structure of the multiverse and how its evolutionary efficiency is maintained, and, by who and what.

It is identifying new and radical information on the environment we exist in from both an incarnate and dis-incarnate (energetic and sentient) perspective

Feel free to pre-order via my publisher, Ozark Mountain Publishing:

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Below is some of the early text. 

The existence of Antimatter!

ME: Hold on a minute, are you suggesting that antimatter exists?

SE1: Yes and no. Yes insomuch as there is a reciprocal to the space you all use within the multiversal environment, and no because it does not function or behave in the way your scientists or even science fiction writers would have you believe it does. For instance, there is no universe shattering explosion when these two components of the multiverse are in contact with each other simply because they are already integral to each other.

ME: So, where did the scientists go wrong? What led them to make in this assumption?

SE1: Limited thinking based upon lack of knowledge.

ME: Is that it?

SE1: Yes, a simple response, isn’t it. Although it is simple, it is both very true and a big issue because it creates a train of thought, a thought process that is in error, and because it is used, it creates bigger errors in thought.

ME: So to go down an educated route with an open mind, I ask again for the benefit of the readers, does antimatter exist?

SE1: If you are looking for an absolute as a function of my answer, then I will say that it doesn’t. I just used the term as a descriptor to help with the understanding of reciprocal space. In fact, if you want to push harder in this direction, I will further state that there is more than one reciprocal space, more than one substructure.

ME: What do you mean by more than one reciprocal space?

SE1: In the description I just gave I eluded to just one substructure, one reciprocal space.  This was a description based upon human thinking, one where there is an opposite to everything – this is dualistic thinking. Even spiritual individuals think of the physical as the universe of duality. Others think of it in terms of opposites; black and white, up and down, left and right, forwards or backwards, matter or antimatter, of yin or yang, of balance, that there are always two sides to a story etc, etc, etc. The fact is that the space in-between the structure of the multiverse is, if one were to use the word “big” as a metric, is significantly bigger than the multiversal structure itself.

It was at this point that I received an image to help with the words used. I saw the structure of the multiverse as a series of lines in a matrix, a very complicated matrix, one where there were matrices within matrices, and these matrices housed other matrices and were in turn housed by other matrices. Everything was within and without and back within and without again in countless iterations of complexity. However, irrespective of the complexity the structural components that made up the, what I am just told to call the evolutionary or operational side of the multiversal structure, there was a surrounding space. Every component of the structure whether it was sub-frequency, frequency, sub-dimension or full dimension was surrounded by a substructural component or, as I am just told to call it, “essence”. As with the physical universe, where there are six sub-levels in-between the frequency levels, there appeared to be six reciprocal spaces surrounding the evolutionary or operational structure. As I looked closer, I noticed that this description was not quite accurate. In fact, it was very inaccurate by what appeared to be to the power of six. I looked again and kept my mind fully open for anything that would add to the clarity of vision and understanding of what was being presented to me. I didn’t have to wait long. It was as if every component was surrounded by a group of six by six sets of energies, of substructures. Thirty six substructural energies in total surrounded each and every evolutionary or operational component of the multiverse. It had the appearance of being surrounded by a, by a, I can only word it in these terms, a football (UK football, GSN) of energy. A “Bucky Ball” would be a better description, except that it didn’t follow the geometric laws surrounding a Bucky Ball. Each collective of six by six substructural energies, each Bucky Ball, not only surrounded a specific evolutionary or operational structural component of the multiverse but it also surrounded the energies associated with the next collective of six by six substructural energies. I “zoomed out”, refocusing my vision to a point where I could see more of the structure or the operational and substructural condition of the multiverse. From this vantage point, I could see that the whole space was essentially substructural, the evolutionary or operational components being a very, very small part of the overall volume of the structure. Every space was filled by substructure, by one of these six by six collective structures, there were no gaps! This I found very interesting because if anyone has the inclination to look up the geometry of a Bucky Ball, they will see that when two or more are together, they present structural gaps in-between each other external to their structure where the structures don’t meet or touch each other. However, this was not the case here. No matter how much I zoomed in to the structure every potential gap was filled with a six by six structural collective. They seemed to blend into each other, linking together, not on the surface as we would expect, but at a level within each other where a potential gap would be irradiated. The effect was that the evolutionary or operational structure of the multiverse, the matrices within matrices, was immersed in a collective of six by six substructural components that all joined together at whatever level necessary to ensure that there was a uniform supporting environment with no gaps, weaknesses or lack of structural connectivity for the multiverse to exist within. Everything within this “sea” of substructure was connected to everything else – totally, either by direct contact at the same level or through indirect contact associated with another six by six substructural collective, or, at a different level via interconnected structural collectives. I didn’t dare look at the ratio of evolutionary/operational multiversal structure versus substructure, but suffice to say, the evolutionary/operational structure of the multiverse paled into insignificance in comparison

With this revelation firmly seated in my mind, I bust forth an exclamation to The Source Entity.

ME:  It’s mostly substructure! There is no duality, no chance for an equal measure of matter and antimatter (structure and substructure). There is no possibility for antimatter to exist because the reciprocal structure is the substructure. It can’t even be called “reciprocal” because it isn’t! The multiverse looks like a small structure in a huge bath of interlaced Bucky Balls.

SE1: Very well done. The volume of the six by six collective substructural components all together is such that it both supports the structure of the multiverse and allows its manipulation, modification and improvement. It is the roles of the entities that elect to be of service that maintain both the structure and its functionality at the high and lower levels of structure, functionality and evolutionary efficiency that use the surrounding substructure to move around the multiversal environment at all of its levels without actually being within the structure of the multiverse.

ME: I have another question.

SE1: Go ahead.

ME: How does Event Space figure in all of this; do the maintenance entities work with the parallel versions of the multiverse, none of it, or just parts of it?

SE1: The substructure allows for the expansion and contraction of the multiversal structure resulting from the interaction of Event Space-based possibilities.

ME: How does the multiversal structure expand and contract? I thought that everything was in the same space?

SE1: It is. The expansion and contraction is based upon the level of detail associated with a particular location within the multiverse or the whole multiverse itself. As you have just witnessed, the reciprocal space, the substructure associated with the evolutionary or operational multiversal structure, is significantly larger and of greater resolution than the evolutionary or operational multiversal structure its self. This allows an area of Event Space to be contained within the areas of possibility associated with the multiverse in a way that ensures that it is disconnected with the normal pervasion of Event Space that is within everything that is me or The Origin.

ME: So you keep the Event Spaces that are associated with the multiverse quarantined?

SE1: Yes………………………………………………… More to come in the book!

Evolutionary Demand

SE1: As you are now aware the multiverse is tailored specifically to the demands of the evolutionary requirements of each and every entity within the evolutionary cycle.

ME: So I see, and just thinking about the interconnectivity of all of these individualised versions of the multiverse together with the added complexity of the different Event Spaces we create as a result of our individual and collective choices is hurting my head. This is getting more convoluted by the minute!

SE1: Well, there is more to come, but, it has to be the right juncture in incarnate mankind’s existence and your ability, and/or others to assimilate the information.

ME: That is so very well understood. A question then, just how do the Architects work on the evolutionary demand of the multiverse? Or should I say, how do they deal with the demands of all of the collective individualised multiverses?

SE1: The evolutionary demand is a function of progress and as such is also subject to individualisation and collectivisation. As each TES/entity progresses, its awareness of its environment and its level of understanding of that environment changes. I will continue to use the word “entity” to describe a TES (godhead, over soul or higher self), aspect (soul) or shard (sub-soul) as it makes the dialogue simpler. Continuing though, this in turn changes the evolutionary capability of the environment within which the entity is working, its universe within its multiverse. And so, the result of this is that the evolutionary demand changes from one state, that which has been experienced, learnt and understood to the point of mastery, to one where there is further growth, using the new level of mastery of the environment as a springboard to progress from, the evolutionary demand therefore being created as a function of progress and growth of the entity.

You are about to ask a question – So how do the Architects address this increase in demand – what do they actually do?

ME: You beat me to it.

SE1: Of course. I just wanted to let you know that I am paying as much attention to you and your thought processes as you are to me.

ME: Thank you.

SE1: Well it’s not a simple answer, although I will make it as simple as possible. The first thing to do is to change your mind set from thinking in the thoughts of a single all-encompassing multiverse to one that is ultimately individualised with the ability to interlink with all of the other multiverses that are attributed to all of the entities that I created. In order to do this you need to think that you are the most important thing in the multiverse and that you are the only reason for its existence. If you try to consider the “individualised and collective states of multiverse” (the plural of multiverse is multiverse I am told – GSN) then you will fail to appreciate its function on either the individual or the collective levels of manifestation.

ME: Thank you, I now have a datum to work from.

SE1: Good, that’s settled then. Now, for YOU the reader this is also a most important consideration because when you consider the multiverse in its individualised function the concepts become manageable, or should I say open for consideration within the limitations of the incarnate and therefore temporary human mind.

Working with this in mind then the Architects review the basis of the environmental condition, its localisation (universe) and its globalisation (multiverse) and how the entity is working with it from a structural, functional and manipulative perspective. As just stated it they then consider what I will call the level of difficulty that the current configuration of the multiverse offers to the entity and adjust its difficulty according to the entity’s ability to work, evolve and progress with the new level of difficulty.

Evolutionary demand can be considered in the same way as being at school from your perspective. A teacher teaches its class to the level of which he/she is capable of teaching and when the pupil has mastered, to an acceptable level, the material being taught, a new teacher is introduced to challenge the pupil further. The new teacher’s role is to elevate the pupils’ knowledge further to that of the level of acceptable mastery of the new level of material being taught, and so on. From your incarnate perspective, this is the same for the use of a guide and its helpers. Once a guide has elevated its ward, its aspect, that is working within the evolutionary cycle to the level of This progression continues until the multiverse and all its potential levels, structures, states and manipulative ability have been fully utilised.

In both of these examples, and as I have recently stated, evolutionary demand, or pull, becomes apparent when the entity has mastered, to an acceptable level the evolutionary capabilities of the environment, its structure and manipulation, that level being the choice of the entity and the decision of its guide/s.

The creation of evolutionary demand (pull) though, does not necessarily mean that the whole multiverse needs to be modified to suit the new level of difficulty or challenge attributed to the elevated progressive needs of the entity. It could simply be that a universe within the multiverse needs to be manipulated, or even, a smaller aspect of a universe within the multiverse needs to be manipulated to offer the best evolutionary progression for a particular entity.

ME: So a multiverse is not specifically modified all in one go, so to speak?

SE1: No, it can be modified globally (whole multiverse) or very locally (a sector within a universe within the multiverse). A sector can be as large or as small as required, there are no rules to how big or how small the modification can or needs to be to allow the progression of the entity in the most efficient way……………………………………………………………. More to come in the book!

The Illustrators

(a taste of what is in the book from the perspective of the description of one of the genres of Curators)

Having finished with the architects and spending some time to reflect on what they are and what they are responsible for, I am very aware that I was given the smallest of overviews by the Source. I was also becoming aware that most if not all of the roles and responsibilities of the entities I am about to enter into dialogue about, all effectively work for the architects. You will also see that they work for each other and work based upon the work of others. Based upon this, we appear to actually have a hierarchical structure (rather than a man-made suggestion of one) of entities who work collectively and individually for the evolutionary efficiency of the multiversal/universal environment/s (mainstream and localised) used by those entities that have elected to be in the evolutionary cycle. In my mind, therefore, the work of the Illustrators starts this hierarchy of interactive responsibility. What I was not expecting though was the use of the Source’s energetic memory as a tool for maintaining the multiverse.

As with all of the Source’s (God’s) helpers, I decided to introduce the basis of the roles and responsibilities of the Illustrators by using some of the executive summary used at the start of the book as a lead-in to the deeper knowledge about them.

The Illustrators are those entities that work with the Source’s overall energetic memory. Although this was referred to as the Akashic records in the summary at the start of this dialogue, the Akashic is only one small part of this energetic memory and is only relative to recording the work of those entities recognised as energetic mankind. The overall energetic memory encompasses all that our Source Entity has experienced though its own work and work with other Source Entities. The Illustrators use the ability to interact with the Source’s energetic memory to describe (illustrate) the different possibility scenarios that may be created by making changes to the structure of the multiverse or its local areas, whether new or modified.

SE1: That’s a reasonable summary and one that is almost identical to mine at the start of this dialogue.

ME: It was supposed be. I very much feel that these dialogues are different from my previous dialogues and so it will be good practice to remind the readers about the general subject matter before we get into the depth.

SE1: You are starting to get good at this – just watch your ego when I praise you.

ME: I will, thank you.

SE1: Good, I will continue.

The Illustrators have responsibility for one of the more important functions in the creation of an environment. They have the ability to “fine-tune” the evolutionary efficiency of every aspect of a multiversal structure. In order to achieve this, they need to be able to see all of the possibilities associated with a particular multiversal or universal construct and how the incumbent entities affect it, ensuring that the environment is robust and responsive in all possibilities and eventualities.

ME: This very much looks like the Illustrators are working at the level of the individual entity to achieve their work.

SE1: Not just the entity level, the entity, collective entity, environmental, environmental and entity, environmental and entity and collective entity levels.

ME: I guess that includes the collective entity levels at all of the locations that entities coalesce in as well, so that would be collectives of collectives as well.

SE1: Yes, and the multiples and permutations of those multiples of collectives and entities and environments. I am looking at you thinking.

ME: What am I thinking about?

SE1: That this is just a high level understanding, one that sees the multiverse as the environmental condition being discussed and not the environments within the environments as well as the environments created by individual entities as variations from the standard environment.

ME: That’s right. I would like to go into more detail later but right now I want to ask you about your use of two words. You said that the Illustrators look at the robustness and responsivity of an environment in terms of its possibilities and eventualities. I feel that the reader knows the dictionary description of these two words, as do I, but I feel that they have a deeper meaning.

Possibilities, Probabilities, Eventualities and Inevitabilities!

SE1: You are correct. You see, the work of the Illustrators, as already stated, work with the ability of my energetic memory. My energetic memory is really my sentience occupying a certain type of energy that is particularly good at containing (recording) all that my creations and I have experienced and created. They use this energy to work with all that has been in existence, is in existence, and could be in existence in relation to the internal (entity based –individual and collective) and external (Architect preference) based influences on a particular environment. By using this energy, they can create models of possible environmental conditions by changing the mix of internal and external influence whilst identifying what mix of influences created the strongest and weakest possibilities.

One thing I will advise you on and that is that possibilities are not parallel conditions. Although they are completely separate from each other, they are interdependent.

ME: What do you mean, they are separate but interdependent?

SE1: Possibilities are a condition of fracturalised choice. Fracturalised choice is a function of upstream and downstream influences and the changes created as a subsequence of those changes being adopted by the incumbent entities of the environment. So, it is the possibilities, created by fracturalised choice that create alternative conditions – parallel environments. Parallel environments, however, are manifest (brought into reality) by a function of a semi-sentient energy called Event Space which pervades all that is – The Origin, and therefore pervades all of me, all of my environment and all of my creations. (See The Origin Speaks – GSN)

SE1: Eventualities are conditions that are created by a series of interactive possibilities that create a strong enough event line to pull all other possibilities into a single event – an eventuality…………….. More to come in the book!

The Curator categories, summarised by one of my readers, Faith to assist the reader of “The Curators” in their understanding.

27 levels with 4 subcategories under one level, total of 31 Curators.

E=Entity, B=Being

The Curators are:B The architects makes environmental changes 
B The Ilustratots access source memory akashic records theoretically draft possibilitiesB The planners work w illustrators so scenario come to action
B The orchestrators facilitate planners work w quality control B The Beginners manage event space and make or creation ES and its fractals
B The enders make sure ending of ES is done properly and or lead to new ESs and their ractalsB The deliveres help functionalities of beginners and enders work w ESs
B The waymakers work on every parallel condition and ES effects so all enders and beginners work of beings feels minimal and unnoticed by creating seamless insertion and withdrawal of ESs B The integrators work with waymakers and create holograph of ESs and connect ESs
B The seed makers create small events to affect ESsE The seeders work for seed makers beings and choose optimal moment to insert or withdrawal of ESs
E The Beleaguerers correct mistakes and clean up crew of ES mishap and operationsE The Recorders record the work of all maintenance entities in multiverse
E The interfacers are entities that oversee and link all entities work togetherE The initiators plan modifications to either create new opportunities or efficiency of environment functionality 
E The observers work within environment assigned and they place themselves in a position to experience energetically and/or observe the creation of entities E The producers creates small changes i.e. Anu 
E The generators takes energies made by producers and create low frequency forms/environments in physical 12 frequenciesE The environmentalists: entities that create and maintain physical environment: 1) the Universalists: components creator and habitation creators like galaxies and planets; 2) The Parallelism Engineers:result and effect of ES. Create separation between possibilities of ESs and any possible cross overs; 3) Concurrence Engineers: work on functionalities of multiple universes in the same space and at different frequencies.  So universes are concurrent but separate. They do not work on parallel universes and ES interactions; 4) The Frequential Barrier Engineers: work with Concurrent Enginners. Preserve gaps between frequencies in multiverse by creating support structures
E The attractionists: 1) specialized entities working in our physical multiverse dealing with attraction or gravity of energies  and 2) they work on energy signatures  and the incarnate entities attractions to each other to remove karmic links or work on a common life plan E The caretakers: entities working within physical universe  with incarnate mankind including Attractionists and The Vehicle Creators and entities like Angels, Elementals, Nature Spirits etc  
E The vehicle creators: create all entities and vehicles in physical multiverse in 1st dimension (12 frequencies) whether having collective minds like hives or like us
E The habitation creators: help and support the environment created. They work with Habitation Specialists
E The habitation specialists: these are Nature Spirits: entities that care and give attention to plants or animal s. Once specialists may be assigned to care for only one plant
E The atmospherisists: Group of entities stabilizing the wider environment like planetary, atmosphere, change in location of a planet or environment for the use of incarnate vehicle. They work on details behind the atmosphere they create to match or function. 
E The populationists: entities engineering specialists for plants/vegetation and animals in an environment. They work closely with Atmospherisists. Environment could be galactic or planetary or systematic like Moon, etc.  They create basic mechanical for “living” condition E Guides and helpers:  assist incarnate entities in the evolutionary cycle in the multiverse environment  
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