Anyone wishing to interview Guy should contact him via this link.Latest Interviews below
Guy Needler in ‘The Call us Channellers” with Kevin Moore Guy Needler on ‘Beyond the Source’ TV & Radio Interview with Kevin Moore on ‘The Moore Show’ 8th June 2013 Guy Needler on Beyond the Source TV Interview on The Moore ShowFrom Truth Frequency with Chris Geo…
The show went VERY VERY well. We had a great time and I was able to describe a lot of detail. Right at the end of the show I was chanelling directly from the Source Entity, and, at the very end of the channelling SKYPE dropped out (totally) both sides of the Atlantic. and by this i mean I had to re-connect SKYPE and dial back in! When I re-established contact and we concluded the show Chris said that they had had a number of texts/emails from listeners who felt a surge in “energy “as SKYPE crashed. One quote was, :- “DID you feel that!”
What a sign !!!!!!!
Before the show
[16/02/2012 22:53:36] Chris Geo: I was listening to some of your other interviews earlier this morning [16/02/2012 22:53:41] Chris Geo: absolutely fascinating stuff!
After the Show
[06:05:35] Chris Geo: that was absolutley AMAZING! [07:40:32] Chris Geo: Wow, I’m listening to the show and I have to say its probably the best we’ve done in a long time.
In a later email from Chris
In this interview with Kevin we talk about many subjects including my recently completed but not yet published book – The Anne Dialogues.
9th June 2011 “Inner Views” CBSO radio with Kimberly Rose click to click to listen
5th August 2011 “The Metaphysical Hour” BBS Radio with Dolores Cannon click to listen or click to listen via the BBS Radio Web Site. Look for the show on 5th August 2011.
20th December 2011 “Believe in Believing” Blog talk Radio with Shelly Wilson click to listen here
18th January 2011 “The Moore Show – Late Night Talk (Radio Show) with Kevin Moore click to listen here
16th Feb 2012 “Truth Frequency Radio” with Chris & Sheree US 8.00pm to 10.00pm Pacific time (GMT-8 hours) click to listen here (click on to 1 hour into the show to listen to me exclusively)
22nd March 2012 “32 Degrees of Insanity Show on Fredomizer Radio” with Don Gilson (Adams) & Chris Geo US 9.00pm to 12.00am Pacific time (GMT-8 hours) click to listen here
20th April 2012 10.00pm to 11.00pm UK BBS Radio “Connecting the Light” with Mike Quinsey, click here to listen via this link to the BBS Radio Website Show Archive and scroll down to the 20th April 2012 show. It was a great show
19th June 2012 7.00pm to 8.00pm US Central Time (UK 12.00pm – 1.00am 20th
June 2012), Blog Talk Radio “Spirit Seeker Radio Show” with Cynde Meyer. I am invited to talk about my books together with Dolores Cannon, Wayne Peterson and Arun Ghandi who will all be at the Ozark Mountain Publishing Transformation Conference in Rogers July 2012. Click Here to go to the link for this show. Click Here for the section where I talk only.
22nd June 2012 “Truth Frequency Radio” with Chris & Sheree Geo. US 7.00pm Pacific Time (BST -8 hours). Click Here to go to the Truth Frequency Radio website ( for my interview. Please use the “Free Dial Up Quality Player” and progress to 60 minutes for the start of my interview.
29th June 2012 “The Metaphysical Hour” BBS Radio with Dolores Cannon. US 7.00pm Central Time (BST -6 hours). Click Here to go to the BBS Radio website for my interview with Dolores & Julia Cannon. Select the 29th June 2012 show.
5th July 2012 “Body Mind Spirit Radio” with Annette Rochelle Aben. US 7.00pm Eastern Time (BST -5 hours, midnight to 1.00am for UK listeners). Click Here for a link to the show archive. (the player is towards the bottom of the page)
7th July 2012 “32 Degrees of Insanity Show on Truth Frequency Radio” with Don Gilson ( US 10.00pm-midnight Pacific Time (BST -8 hours, so that’s 6.00am-8.00am on the 8th July for UK listeners). Click Here for a link to the show archive. (the player is towards the bottom of the page)
17th August 2012 10.00pm to 11.00pm UK BBS Radio “Connecting the Light” with Mike Quinsey. I am invited back to talk about my new book “Beyond the Source” and other interesting subjects based upon the greater reality. Click Here to listen to the show.
16th November 2012 “Truth Frequency Radio (K-TFRN)” with Chris & Sheree Geo. US 7.00pm Pacific Time (BST -8 hour)
18th February 2013 “Body Mind Spirit Radio” with Annette Rochelle Aben. US 6.00-7.00pm Eastern Time (BST -5 hours, 11.00pm to midnight for UK listeners). Click Here for a link to the show archive. (the player is towards the bottom of the page). In this show we talk about the ascension (21/12/2012).
1st March 2013 10.00pm to 11.00pm UK. BBS Radio “Connecting the Light” with Mike Quinsey. I am invited back to talk about The Ascension (21/12/2012) and what really happened, plus my new book “Beyond the Source – Book 2” and other interesting subjects based upon the greater reality. Click Here to listen to the show
2nd March 2013 1.00am to 3.00am UK Truth Frequency Radio “Beyond 2012” with Tony Kudos. I am invited to talk about my books and the greater reality. Click Here to listen to the show. A streamed version can be accessed by Clicking Here. Scroll down the page to the free player.
- 19th October 2013. My interview with Chris and Sheree Geo on Truth Frequency Radio ( We talked about Understanding Dark Energy. I am on the second and third hour. Click on the Free Low Quality Download “TF” Logo to play.
29th December 2013 “Truth Frequency Radio” The Chris Geo Show with Chris & Sheree Geo. click to subscribe to K-TRFN to listen here I appear just over 1 hour into the 3 hour show.
21st December 2014 “Truth Frequency Radio” The Chris Geo Show with Chris & Sheree Geo. click to subscribe to K-TRFN to listen here. I appear just over 1 hour into the 3 hour show. We talk about Dolores Cannon’s passing, the Volunteer Souls and the New Earth.
3rd April 2015 “Truth Frequency Radio” The Chris Geo Show with Chris & Sheree Geo. click to subscribe to K-TRFN to listen here. I appear just over 1 hour into the 3 hour show. We talk about tearing down the veil, healing, how to heal and being healed.
30th May 2015 “Truth Frequency Radio” The Chris Geo Show with Chris & Sheree Geo. click to subscribe to K-TRFN to listen here. I appear just over 1 hour into the 3 hour show. We talk about Dolores Cannon and tapping into the Source.
8th January 2016 “Truth Frequency Radio” The Chris Geo Show with Chris & Sheree Geo. click to subscribe to K-TRFN to listen here. I appear just over 2 hours into the 3 hour show. We talk about what’s happening energetically in the next few years and I tap into the Source. Click here to download a low quality recording.
9th December 2016 “The Metaphysical Hour” With Julia Cannon Of Ozark Mountain Publishing. We talk about the subjects in my new book The Anne Dialogues. Here is the link to the show.
It should go to the Dolores Cannon website. Click on the link with the same name. The Metaphysical Hour 2016-12-09. -
11th February 2017 “Beyond The Veil” With Chris and Sheree Geo Of Truth Frequency Radio. We talk about Awakening, how to support those in the awakening process (New Children!) and the best way to raise ones frequencies and achieve high frequency functionality. Here is the link to the show in low quality. Click here to download a low quality recording. and Click Here to visit the TFR website and the Beyond the Veil Show, I am in the first hour.
28th July 2018 “Ascend Interview” with Dan and Chris of Ascend. This interview was published on 25th September 2018 but was held during the Glastonbury Symposium, where I gave a lecture on Aliens. A video of the lecture on Aliens can be ordered via this link. During the Ascend Interview we talked about the convoluted subject of Karma and other surrounding subjects associated with my work. There is a Podcast audio and a You Tube video available via this link.
18th October 2018 – Interview with Ryan McCormick – Outer Limits Radio.
4th March 2019 – Interview with Rajashekar Potluri – Life Foundation – Hyderabad after a workshop I held there. Interview with Rajashekar Potluri
3rd January 2020 – Interview with Andrew Fisher on The Nature of Reality Radio Show. We talk about everything!
30th January 2020 – Interview with Chris and Sheree Geo On Beyond the Veil (Truth Frequency Radio). We talk about Life after death, The Anne Dialogues and a bit on The Curators. Please note this is a low quality recording and will download before being able to be played. TFRBTV30012020 For the higher quality follow the Beyond the Veil Link and donate/subscribe.
- 3rd July 2020 – Interview with Patrick and Kathryn Andries on Spirits Journey Radio. Please find attached a link to the Interview . We talk about many metaphysical subjects .
- 10th July 2020 – Interview with Dr Preeti Kohli of the Aha Movement – Mumbai. Please find attached a link to the Interview I had with Dr Preeti Kohli of the Aha Movement. We talk about many subjects including Karma, the Multiverse, our life’s purpose and what enlightenment is.
- Zurich W.B. Creative – January 2021’s Interview with Guy. This is an interview with the leaders of Zurich W.B. Creative. They transmit to the Chinese population outside and inside China. Please fast forward circa 20 minutes to get past the intro music used to allow the listeners to log in.
- Zurich W.B. Creative – February 2021’s Interview with Guy. This is an interview with the leaders of Zurich W.B. Creative. They transmit to the Chinese population outside and inside China. Please fast forward circa 20 minutes to get past the intro music used to allow the listeners to log in.
- Podcast I had with Matjaz Kulovic on the 5th March 2021. We cover some interesting subjects. Audio only version–Multi-verse-realities-and-the-Cause-of-mood-swings-with-Guy-Steven-Needler-erngkf. Video version
- Zurich W.B. Creative – April 2021 Interview with Guy. This is an interview with the leaders of Zurich W.B. Creative. They transmit to the Chinese population outside and inside China. Please fast forward circa 20 minutes or so to get past the intro music used to allow the listeners to log in. GTV Version: YouTube Versions:
- Everything is Possible Podcast with Gary 18th April 2021. Interview and discussions.
- Interview with Ashley Grace 7th May 2021. Interview and questions answered.
- Part 3: (28th May 2021)
- Interview with Dr Jason Loken, Téa Shahbazi & Inspire Health Team on Spiritual Detoxification on 02 June 2022. We talk about addressing Karma and “low frequency” Thoughts Behaviours and Actions as a means to Spiritually Detox!
- Interview with Brian Ruhe of The Brian Ruhe Show Saturday 14th August 2021. I give my lecture on What are Aliens and Where Do They Come From, plus 30 mins of Q&A. This is in 2 parts, The Lecture and The Q&A.
- Interview with Brian Ruhe of The Brian Ruhe Show Saturday 4th September 2021. We have a long Q&A Session in 2 parts; Tuning into Higher Frequencies – Q & A with Guy Needler
- Interview with Matjaz Kulovic From the “All That Jazz” Show on 12th May 2022. YouTube link Here. We talk about Predetermination, Difficult Experiences and Direction of Mankind.
- Interview with Cynthia from Everything 17 Universes. Recorded 24 July 2022. We discuss everything. Youtube link Here.
- My Interview with Dr Jason Loken, Téa Shahbazi & Inspire Health Team on 19th October 2022 @drjasonlokenND on the #InspireHealthPodcast. We talk about addressing The Illusion of Free Choice: A Return to Mastering Your Own Life! Watch my episode here:
- My Interview with Dr Jason Loken and Téa Shazabi on “What Happens when you Die!” broadcast January 18th 2023 during episode 178 of their @InspireHealthPodcast – latest series – Life, Death & Beyond: Exploring Our Greater Reality!We talk about some of the subjects that came to light in my 6th book “The Anne Dialogues.”
- My interview with Katman, Lynda and Jason of The 3rd Eye Salon on Saturday 28th January 2023. We talk about various spritiual/metaphysical subjects. It last for 2 hours so feel free to take your time.
- Interview by Kryon Channel Lee Carroll and Kryon Material Teacher Monika Muranyi – Healing Wednesday 12th July 2023. During the show, we talked about my history, my healing modalities and the greater reality. I am interviewd 30 mins into the recording.
- Interview with Rob Cimperman in July 2023. We talk about on Frequential Ascension, The New Earth, Back-fill Souls and more. I do have to congratulate Rob on his questioning and the intuitively chosen accompanying artwork with the interview.I encourage you to subscribe to his YouTubechannel – Unlocking the Soul Rob can be also found via his website and by email I will be doing more work with Rob in the future so watch this space!
- Interview with Dr Jason Loken and Téa Shahbazi Aired on 20th September 2023 on Humans vs AI, Higher Perspectives On Success & How to Override Limiting Beliefs. Part of the latest @InspireHealthPodcast series – Creating New Earth: A Collaborative Mission!
- Interview with Stephen Spencer (28 March 2024) on his “Get Yourself Optimised” show. Link Here.
- Please find below the link to the interview I had with Katerina Todorovic of MysticMag on 17th April 2024. In the interview we discuss: My spiritual journey, How I reconcile the information gained from my spiritual/metaphysical work with my education as an engineer, The transition and pivotal point in which I move from being an engineer to a full time spiritual/metaphysical author, healer, channeller and teacher, How I convey the difficult concepts surrounding the multiverse and the entities within the greater reality to the metaphysical public, How my “Traversing the Frequencies” (TTF) workshops help others, What Karma is and how to avoid it.
- My Interview with Dr Jason Loken and Téa Shazabi and link to the episode of the Inspire Health Podcast were I am interviewed and we discuss my thoughts on “Living Freely in an Uncluttered, Unmaterialistic Way” broadcast 31 August 2024.
- My Interview with Ashley Grace on 3rd September 2024. Link Here.
- Next Level Soul Short Video on Guy Channelling! Link to a short Vlog broadcast by Alex Ferrari of Next Level Soul of my channelling an important message to humankind about the mature use of Individualised Free Will!
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