Avoiding Karma Revisited- 65

Avoid being “in beholding” to another in any way shape or form. Whether it be financial, favour  assistance or direction, one is held in a level of “beholding”, to that person who offered the “help” if that help was offered outside of “service”. Being in beholding to those who give the help, results in the “helper” having control over the receiver of the help, with the holder effectively being able to hold the beheld to ransom until a “certain” and usually “unknown” level of help in return in favour is returned or repaid. The hardest help to repay that is given outside of service is “ favour” or “assistance” leading to or providing significant benefit to the receiver. This can result in the receiver being “beheld” for the rest of incarnate existence, with reminders of the level of help given being announced on a regular basis, keeping the received under control and in misery.

In this instance the only way help should be given or received is when the helper is providing the help under the pretext of being in service to the receiver, ensuring that they are not beholding to the helper and are free to exist without the need to give in return.

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