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This correspondence course continues teaching the methods to Traverse up to Level 408, where the student is permanently linked with our Source Entity and is “One with the Source”. This is a personalised correspondence course building upon the students dedicated work on TTF L1 & L2 and is performed via email with direct tuition by Guy over […]
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Traversing the Frequencies Level 2 This correspondence course continues teaching the methods to Traverse up to Level 100, where the student can also commence a dialogue with our Source Entity. This course is a digital download and contains a set of instructions in both PDF and Audio form. Cost UK£73 To ask a question about this course please […]
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Traversing the Frequencies Level 1 This correspondence course teaches the method for experiencing the Frequencies up to Frequency Level 14. This course is a digital download and contains a set of instructions in both PDF and Audio form. Note: The TTF courses are certified so please advise upon completion of level 1 by sending evidence of […]
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Creating a Psychic Shield This correspondence course teaches the student how to create a robust programmable psychic shield. It can be enhanced, modified, strengthened and programmed to deflect personal energetic attacks, coercion and deflect astral entities and lost dis-incarnate souls. In fact there is no limitation on what it will protect you from because it […]
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