The Curators – First Draft completed

Dear Souls,

I am delighted to tell you all that on Sunday 15th April 2018 and after 2 years,  3 months and 4 days I completed the first draft manuscript of The Curators!

Its 136,032 words long and will be over 400 pages of printed text.

It was a longer journey than anticipated but now its is finished I can, with the help of my 2 wonderful editors, prepare the manuscript for presentation to my publisher in the first week of August 2018 latest.

Based upon previous experience I expect that, provided my publisher wishes to publish it, it will be available early 2019.

I thank you all for your support and words of encouragement over the duration of its creation.

Blessings and Namaste




One Response

  1. Woohoo! We’re all excited that this book is on its way to publication now. You’ve been pretty tight lipped about this one, so there is lots of new information there for us to absorb once more. Thank you for your dedication to teaching us. You are a teacher of teachers!

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