Category: Archive AvoidingKarma

Comparison of any sort breeds discontent and discontent breeds further comparison, leading to minor depression. The depression being fueled by the comparison generated discontent creates a downward spiral based loop that perpetuates downward progression and major depression. Such a downward spiral is extremely difficult to recognize within oneself and even more difficult to reverse. Comparison however, can […]
Avoiding Karma – 76 The minerals that we use to create metals, ceramics, fuels and other materials are a gift to us from the earth. The earth in its sentience recognizes that our incarnate “human” vehicles are the tools we use for accelerating our evolution, and as such supports that which we do with its […]
Knowingly and deliberately doing physical harm to a tree, plant or vegetable is an act of violence against an aspect of our physical environment, nature, and therefore our creator, The Source Entity. Committing flora related violence therefore creates flora related Karma. Although perceived by incarnate humanity as a lower life form, the kingdom of flora […]
As with the incarnate human vehicle, knowingly and deliberately doing physical harm to an “animal” incarnate vehicle is not the behavior of an evolved “incarnate” individual and invokes tremendous karma and low frequency attachment. Especially, when the act of doing harm brings pleasure. One should recognize that the spirits that incarnate as animals are a […]
Knowingly and deliberately doing physical harm to one’s own “human” incarnate vehicle is to defile the very temple that one resides within, even though our residence is on a temporary basis. Knowingly and deliberately doing physical harm to another’s “human” incarnate vehicle is not the behaviour of an evolved “incarnate” individual and invokes tremendous karma […]
Crime of any sort creates Karma and it is a crime to create Karma through knowing what is, according to the law “wrong” and what is, according to the law “right”, and then choosing to do wrong. Although it is recognized in many spiritual circles that there is no right or wrong, no positive or […]
Using others for self gain is a particularly effective way to accrue Karma and is aligned with coercion. It is also very addictive, specifically when one is successful in the use of a particular individual and gaining that which was desired. Through using others for self-gain low frequency behavior is perpetuated and augmented as one […]
Apportioning blame on another as a disguise for ones shortcomings is tantamount to disowning ones actions and the results of those actions. Moreover, if one accepts the accolades of success in tandem with apportioning blame to others, irrespective of whether or not they are they are indeed the responsible party, is taking advantage of others […]
Coercion is a trait that should be avoided at all costs if one is to avoid karma that is generated by the persuasion of others to do ones bidding rather than oneself. In fact, whereas persuasion is based upon the presentation of compelling evidence to support the desire to change the direction of the thought […]
Creating self-generated karma is like shooting oneself in the foot from an evolutionary perspective. Self-generated karma, in essence, encompasses everything that is identified in this guide. However, although large amounts of karma are a result of being “drawn into” various different situations by others, that result in low frequency activity, such as gossip, blame, crime […]
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