Avoiding Karma – 77

Comparison of any sort breeds discontent and discontent breeds further comparison, leading to minor depression. The depression being fueled by the comparison generated discontent creates a downward spiral based loop that perpetuates downward progression and major depression. Such a downward spiral is extremely difficult to recognize within oneself and even more difficult to reverse.

Comparison however, can also be used as an antidote, or can even “negate” the potential start of this condition if used properly, and, with observational care. Comparing where one “is” in lieu of where one “was”, provided it is used correctly, can provide a spiritual function. Therefore, comparing the spiritually progressive functions we have “personally” attained, “personally” comparing “ourselves” with “ourselves”, we can create a level of contentment and happiness.

Being happy and content with what one has achieved brings a warm glow to one, illuminating the darkness and raising ones frequencies as a result. It creates an upward spiral based loop, resulting in enlightened function and repeated frequential ascension.


2 Responses

  1. I don’t know which is more difficult—dissipating the illusion of duality, or dissipating the illusion of fear! (just kidding 🙂 love, Gretchen Grace who is still working on not comparing!)

    • Duality is a function of the physical Universe and therefore an aspect of the multiverse, the greater reality, we need to work with. The illusion of fear is therefore the most difficult to dissipate for this is based upon ignorance of the greater reality.

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