Cardiff Yes Group Notes – August 2014 – Guy Needler

On a beautiful summer’s evening a group of mainly new participants assembled at the usual pace and time, and were provided with an entertaining, informative and very relevant input on Karma – and for those who think Karma is a bit ‘out there’, read on and be surprised.

First we met Tracey, a therapist who’d stumbled across the Yes Group Facebook page and, intrigued by the content of this evening’s talk decided to come along. By the end of the evening she had many questions and was evidently very interested in the subject.

Then Lisa, a social worker by profession, told us that Ken had bullied her into coming. Whatever works!

Finally Hazel told us that she had recently had a period of sick leave from her role as a nurse, and in that period decided that instead of having her life dictated by dutiful adherence to a rota set up and managed by someone else, she would quit, become an agency nurse who works as and when SHE needs, thus taking back control of her life.

Then Ken Abram  introduced the speaker for the evening, the revisiting GUY NEEDLER

Guy Needler


– “Guy Needler MBA, MSc, CEng, MIET, MCMA initially trained as a mechanical engineer and quickly progressed to become a chartered electrical and electronics engineer. However, throughout this earthly training, he was always aware of the greater reality around him as he caught glimpses of the worlds of spirit. From his teens to his early twenties, these glimpses drew him to read extensively the spiritual texts of the day, and meditate intensively. Then, he was told by his guides to focus on his earthly contribution, so he subconsciously scaled back the intensity of his spiritual work. When Guy reached his late thirties, he felt the call to return to his spiritual roles. The next six years saw him becoming a Reiki Master and pursuing a four-year commitment to learn energy and vibrational therapy techniques from experts in the fields. He studied with Helen Stott, a direct student and teacher of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing™ (BBSH) methodologies. As a prerequisite for attending BBSH based courses, students were required to pursue personal development and psychotherapy via various methodologies like the Pathwork™ methodology described by Susan Thesenga and other methodologies developed by Donovan Thesenga and John and Eva Pierrakos. His training and experience in energy-based therapies has resulted in his being a member of the Complementary Medical Association (MCMA).

It was during these “trips” to the higher frequencies that he discovered he could communicate with the energetic entities that existed on the various levels of our multiverse.

During his training as an energy healer (1999-2005) Guy discovered that he was able, via meditation, to traverse the frequencies above those associated with the Auric layers. It was during these “trips” to the higher frequencies that he discovered he could communicate with the energetic entities that existed on the various levels of our multiverse. These entities included the OM, beings created from the energies of the original manifestation who pervade the omniverse that is the Origin, the creator of the God of our multiverse, the Source Entity, its peers, the co-creators, and the creator of the co-creators itself, the Origin (referred to as the “Absolute” in Hindu texts).

Guy quickly established a constant and robust communicative link with these entities, circumnavigating the need for deep meditation, journaling the “channeled” communications as he progressed. It is these journalled channelling’s that resulted in the manuscript for The History of God. He has also written two books expanding this subject further called Beyond the Source Books 1 & 2.

(To buy, go to .)


Guy was now going to talk about a further development on that journey, with a presentation entitled


Which is the title of his latest book (although not his last as he is on number 6….)

In 2012, the Source started communicating with Guy about the subject of Karma, and as a result Guy started blogging about that very subject. Over time that blog turned into the basis of the aforementioned book, and his research and considerations on the subject revealed to him that there was much more to Karma than the commonly understood ‘cause and effect’ – the ‘do good and you get good, do bad and it comes back on you’ concept was not all there was to karma.

The Misconception of Karma

It is not, said Guy, all about Cause and Effect although that is, loosely, the summary of it all. It is not about harm leading to harm, per se, but about a failure to separate ourselves from our behavior so as to allow the soul to leave the body when the body is no longer needed as a vehicle through which we can exist. More later.

The Correct Definition

Karma, as defined by Guy is “An addiction or attraction to low frequency behavior patterns or actions of the physical universe.” To understand this, you need to understand that there are a number of co-existing universes, or a multiverse. We, as physical beings, exist at the lower frequencies, while the universes we cannot see exist at a higher frequency. In order to ‘climb up’ the frequencies to a higher existence we need to experience and then move on from our physical universe, but if we flounder by addicting ourselves to the lower frequency universe and its behaviors, we never move upwards. The soul is kept back ‘here’, because we like ‘ere’ so much we won’t let it go.

The body is a vehicle through which the soul works. The idea is that once we have experienced all that the soul needs to experience, we should move out of that vehicle and upwards to the higher frequencies. However, if instead of experiencing and moving on we re-experience over and over again – addictions, you see – then the soul is held back and needs to find another earthly body to reincarnate and live those comfortable experiences all over again. Instead of breaking the Karmic link/cycle by moving on, we relive it.

Instead of doing that we must learn to break the Karma link, the Karma that is holding us back.

The 5 Genres of Karma

Guy then led us through the 5 genres of Karma, the experiences which, if not released, hold us back in the corporeal world.

  1. Thought Process Based Karma

This is Karma that revolves around our limiting belief that we are what we are, and we will never be better so we don’t try unless it is wholly self-serving. It is where we fight against expansion and personal growth. We remain in the ‘now’ but not necessarily in the sense that we are ‘present’ so much as ‘content and ‘stuck’ there. We remain anchored in the present and in our physical universe, or what we consider it to be. This includes what we consider those around us to be in that universe– the negatively motivated need to be right about what our world ‘is’, and what the people within it ‘are’. Doing this brings your frequency level down, strengthening the karmic link and stopping you getting better. In essence all this makes us think, feel and “be” the “human being” and not what we truly are, sentient energy.

  1. Behaviour Based Karma

This is where our behaviour is directed towards gain through others, but not for others. Our behaviour is self-serving, not team or outwardly focused. It is where people steal the ideas of other people and take credit for them (we’ve all been there!).  It’s about seeing the worst in others, and never acting in a considerate fashion. It’s about aggressive behaviour and gossip, which Guy considers to be the most efficient way of getting Karma. It’s about coercing others in order to get what you want, with no consideration of their needs or wants – it’s all about you. Another example of behaviour based Karma is the poor use of language, and indeed the prolific use of bad language – it’s about allowing yourself to be out of control. It’s using force to get what you want, and it is also about evasion of responsibility, ownership or wrongdoing – “It wasn’t me”, “He did it”, “I’m not responsible, and it’s not my job.” It’s an unwillingness to be wrong and a denial of responsibility.

  1. Physical Sensation Based Karma.

This is more familiar territory, because it is where we become so fixated on physical sensation that we try to recreate them again and again. Common examples include the need for repeated sexual gratification, drugs, alcohol and other ‘highs’. We instigate Karma and stay in the physical by our focus on these things (when they apply). It’s NOT about denying our need for such things – it’s Karma when they become our whole focus.

Guy explained that when we commit to these addictions, our true soul finds our (damaged) bodies to be abhorrent, so it moves on elsewhere, allowing other souls to enter the empty vessel/vehicle and take it over. This is how we see people’s behaviour change when in those addicted states. Other physical based sensation addictions can include food, where it takes over from being nutrition to being food for food’s sake; obsession with body shape and condition (the exercise bunnies), personal/self-abuse, whether directly self-inflicted or sought from others; and adrenalin junky-ism.

  1. Materialism Based Karma.

This is where we want ‘things’ to the degree that they possess us rather than we ‘use’ them. There are NEEDS, where despite having sufficient, even abundance, we must have more. We are never satisfied. There is THE NEED – to wear designer clothes, own designer brands, overdo jewellery, piercings and fashion, and to own lots of ‘stuff. And there is the obsession to TAKE – expensive and exotic holidays, even though we can relax just as well in tent by the seaside. There is an overlap on the final genre, which is

  1. Status Based Karma.

This is where we rely on showing off our wealth, power, associations (“I have Cheryl Cole’s telephone number, you know”); eating at expensive restaurants (“£75 for a coke? I’ll have two.”); seeking promotion and career status, being a (socially defined) high achiever at the expense of happiness and, again, for your own benefit rather than of others; focus on appearance, on achievement through your children rather than allowing your children to seek their own path; wanting to be famous, better than others, and powerful.

All of these behaviors hold us back, and Karma is therefore avoided when we DON’T allow ourselves to indulge in them, when we think, behave and ‘be’ better people. It is what Stephen Covey would call the character-based ethic, rather than the social/personality based ethic, which is self-focused and self-serving.

The Ultimate Goal

Guy believes the Ultimate Goal for us all should be:

“To observe ourselves and avoid anything which creates any form of Karma.”

In other words, to understand who we are by looking at ourselves and within ourselves to the point at which we understand ourselves and realise that all those behaviors and though-processes mentioned above do not serve us – we serve them. And on realising that, to change within and to focus on outward contribution and experience so that we can break the Karmic Link and move on at the appropriate time and to the appropriate level.

It is to be IN the Physical Universe but not to be OF the Physical Universe. Once we escape the Karmic ‘needs’ we can have the capacity to move beyond it, thus negating the need to be reincarnated and do the whole thing again.

On this conclusion, Guy invited questions, and there were many! One thought that came to mind related to how possessions possess US – have you ever broken something you considered ‘valuable’ and grieved for it, sometimes by violently blaming someone or something else for the damage. And have you realised just how silly it is to do that? I have on occasion surprised myself by NOT behaving like that, to the point at which when a disqualified driver rammed my own, precious and beloved Toyota MR2 in 2006 (I arrested the git), my colleagues couldn’t understand why I didn’t seem angry and upset about the loss of my beloved car. I realised then that my health was more important than a car, but also that I owned the car – it didn’t own me.

Guy also said that we are all at a higher frequency of living these days because we understand more; we accept more than we used to because we understand better, so we can BE better, and so we rise along the frequency bands. And this growth continues with each generation. This doesn’t apply in Syria and Gaza at the moment, Guy believes, because those involved are wholly based in the 5 Genres of Karma described earlier.

Guy suggested that meditation as a good way to look for the reasons behind our behaviors and thoughts, and to discover ways of changing them for the better. He also said, “Once you think you have a grip of some addiction, bad behavior or other flaw, life has a tendency to challenge that assumption by slapping you in the face with the same stimulus that caused that thought pattern or behavior. You only pass the test when you repeatedly use the new, better behavior instead of reverting to the old, negative pattern.

He agreed that there is a Group Karma, and that the only ways to avoid group Karma are to get out of the group, or change your behavior for the better and influence the same change within the group – Stephen Covey would call that kind of person a Transition Person or Trim-Tab (the small mini-rudder that directs the larger rudder on a ship by turning the opposite way to the rudder and making that larger rudder easier to turn).

Incantations were mentioned, and Guy considers them to be a valuable vehicle to focus the mind inward to make it function as the incantation intends.

Tracey asked Guy for a ‘key message’ to take away, and Guy replied,

“Observe yourself and see things from the other’s perspective. This changes understanding”

Guy closed with a story about the passing of his wife. She died on Christmas Eve 2012 after suffering a brain tumour for 9 years. Guy meditated when he got home from the Hospice in which she passed away and sought a ‘message’ from her to see if she had moved into the higher plane.

He said, “An electric bottle opener I’d put in a cardboard box, which she had bought for me, suddenly went off in the box. Which was remarkable, because it HAD to have a metal to metal contact, like a metal bottle cap, to start. It could not start without that contact.”

This happened 5 times, and so he knows she is still in existence, and has moved on. He communicates daily with her, and still feels the love he felt when she was with us.

Guy’s books can be seen on his website or bought from Amazon – please use these links:

The History of God Beyond the Source-Book 1 Beyond the Source-Book 2 The Origin Speaks Avoiding Karma The Anne Dialogues



On the 6th of October the TWO speakers will be Tony Bennett on ‘The Ducks of Achievement’

No! Its not that Tony Bennett, Tony doesn’t sing, he is a psychotherapist who follows his passion as a life changing public speaker with a powerful message to help people of all ages to achieve their aims, goals and ambitions.

That simple, accessible and scientific message is that that every one of us has the ability to accomplish the things we want in life, large and small, and Tony’s mission is to explain how.

Website :


Our second speaker is Paul Coker and his presentation Overcoming Adversity follows his recent trip to Mt Kilimanjaro.  No doubt the photos will be impressive.


3 Responses

  1. Verona Thompson says:

    Hi Guy,

    Thank you so much for sharing this. I am sharing it also with several friends here. I am intrigued with this “Yes Group”. I would like to her these next speakers. Is it just something for locals? Or is it on the Internet also? I’m proud of you for being there. I also found and read much more information about Anne down at the bottom here. I appreciated knowing that about her.

    Thank you again for sharing,

    Love, Verona

  2. kipwoods says:

    “Observe yourself and see things from the other’s perspective. This changes understanding” I’ll heed this,did share.

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