A Change in Guy’s Direction?

I was asked by a reader why I was changing direction, why I was withdrawing? I gave this reply, which I feel I should share with you all.
Its not a change of direction more a return to core values and quality of information. I felt that I could burn out due to the level of demand, which also resulted in potential  dilution of the material and – more importantly – the joy associated with discovering new information and delivering it.
It could have become a production line – not good.
I also noticed that as I became more visible the karmic functions associated with fame are difficult to avoid, specifically as one is put on a pedestal and a marketing machine drives you to go here and there, working for the money machine rather than for God and self. In this respect I noticed that I was pushing the flow rather than going with the flow.
Having said this, returning back to my core value of being qualitative and being in the background may well create more flow that I could ever create by pushing the flow (I have the potential problem of being seen as being enigmatic). But that will be the will of God and not me.
I have seen too many spiritual leaders be swept up in the marketing machine, generating money for the publisher (and self) and diluting the message in the process – losing who and what they are in the process, and whats more, gaining an ego.
I am still doing the work, but, in a way that I enjoy – how I envisioned it in the first place. Those who wish to slot into this way of being will be nurtured, and they will nurture me in the process.
Both Anne and Celia have independently stated that there is plenty of time to do all of this, and, that there is no rush – it will still all happen.
I still feel it could become huge (if it is supposed to), but at Gods pace – one that is enjoyable and without the pressure of delivery within a certain time frame.
I am sure you understand.


3 Responses

  1. Eva says:

    What a genuine choice!!! Pure heart!!! Many blessings!!!

  2. Marnie says:

    So well stated, Guy. I can relate to the frustrations when the joy of fulfilling your passion is at risk of being stolen or robbed. The joy of science has been difficult for me to find through the pressure to deliver in so many other ways in the academic system, including pressures to win competitive funding to support both the research & students to conduct the work. It seems the system is being manipulated to be more about the personal success (and ego) of the scientists rather than the contributions to the discipline. Thank you for your continued service,and for your contributions to humanity with your works. I hope this transition enables you to keep your balance as you help shine light on areas of darkness for humanity.

  3. Javier says:

    I understand And completely agree.
    Thank you Guy

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