Category: The Greater Reality

Dear Souls, I have finally uploaded the Lectures I gave at the 2012 Ozark Mountain Publishing Transformation Conference on The History of God, the content of the Beyond the Source Books and Kosmos. You can access them from either my website via these links: The History of God and Beyond the Source Kosmos or via […]
Dear Truth Seekers, This is a clip from the Bangalore TTF workshop, where having previously taught the students to use their chakras to gain physical feed-back of moving up the frequencies, I teach them to gain further proof by sensing the energy levels/boundaries of the Auric Layers. [youtube=] Blessings Guy
Dear Souls, Please find below a link to the recording of the World Satsanga SKYPE tele conference held on 25th May. This link is also on the home page of my website (see the advert for the next conference), As this link is an Apple Quicktime file it is best accessed via Google chrome as […]
I am delighted to announce that Beyond the Source – Book 2 is now available on pre-order from Amazon websites. Please note that Amazon have now changed the link to spell my middle name correctly. (Steven) Also note that the site still has it as Stephen but putting in a search using just Guy Needler accesses […]
    In this image taken during the Bangalore Traversing the Frequencies workshop  free lecture we found an Orb. I was asked what it was and an overwhelming emotion came over me as I realized it was my late wife Anne watching from the energetic. My host, Apurva, felt the same even before I made […]
When we look at another and show distaste or harbor thoughts of dislike, we should look at what is distasteful about ourselves that is reflected in the person we are observing. It is always that which we find difficult to reconcile within our own physicality or mental behavior that is the most difficult to accept in others. When incarnate we are sub-consciously helping […]
Just remember that, whenever you feel down about a cloudy / rainy day, that the Sun is always shining above the clouds. Think of this whenever you feel down about anything and feel good again.
  We had a great night and the interview with Kevin was a great experience. We delved into some interesting subjects surrounding the greater reality. This is his Cardiff headquarters, the show was a live event.
If one intends to be successful in anything one has to be consistent when using their intention. Intention precedes thought, which in-turn precedes action, so when we err in our intention the thought behind the intention also errs and the action is stalled. What’s more, when one uses their intention to do something, or want something properly, with commitment and confidence […]
In trying to recognize the truth in everything it is good to start with an example. The one I have in mind is the predicted date of the ascension, 21/12/12. There are an awful lot of people who are wondering “why” they are “still” here. In essence there has been a  lot of high ranking […]
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