19:00:00 From Ulla : 1. Is there a root cause for Narcissism in humans? Is it related to overexpression of the third chakra, which is seen as overly aggressive, dominating, controlling, manipulative, power hungry traits? It seems that many of our presidents, CEOs, leaders and celebrities are selected and admired for such traits, particularly by people with underexpression of the third chakra. They have low self-esteem, victim mentality and are easily manipulated and controlled. It’s like the old master/slave dynamic or a match between givers and takers. 2. Narcissism occurs on a spectrum, like many mental health conditions. Is it written into the life plan or acquired in life? There are many types, including Overt, Covert, Hypervigilant, Sexual, Vindictive, Malignant, Somatic, Cerebral and even Spiritual Narcissism. For instance, spiritual narcissists believe their spiritual wisdom and development is superior to others, which makes them holy and special, based on a spiritual ego that separates them from others. 3. Some say life is about exploration of frequency. There are no right or wrong frequencies to choose, because it’s all experience. In your experience, is Narcissism treatable by Psycho-Spiritual Healing or other means in adults? 19:01:00 From Nichole : 1. Can a change in frequency affect your electronics on top of your physical body? Or your car? Is it true that when your frequency is in flux or change (raising or lowering), that it can cause havoc in the electronic and mechanical things around you? If so, how can we prevent this from happening? I've had nothing but computer and car issues for two months as I've gone through a huge change both energetically and physically. Was this unavoidable? Was it in lieu of body processing? Necessary? Or it simply collateral damage related to a frequency shift. 2. I have heard that we are like pillars of light, so that when we raise our frequency we can affect a circumference of people miles around us that affects them positively in ways we can't understand. Is this true? Or does it only affect certain people? 3. Are we able to raise the frequency of our family members through our own ascension process? Or only through a soul contract prior to entering this reality? How does our progress affect those in our soul group? Or does it only affect those who are consciously aware of these things? 3. I understand that we have multiple exit points in every lifetime and our soul can choose to leave early if they decide our time is up or we have done what we came here to do. Is that how it works? 19:01:56 From Lekan Alabi : Can engaging in physical sports, like football, negatively impact one's spiritual growth and karma? As a 17-year-old seeking spiritual improvement alongside a successful football career, is enlightenment/ascension achievable on this path? 19:02:02 From William Poulos : What is the nature of the higher frequency physicalities in the 1st Dimension Universe? For example, are there duplicates of our solar system in frequency 4, 5, etc? Are these physicalities similar to frequencies 1-3? Do the same laws of physics apply? 19:02:15 From Tao : Hi. I heard you menton in an interview that we have a hara-cable as well as the hara/sacral chakra. And that he hara-cable is a direct line to our soul. Would you say that the expression of having a gut-feeling has to do with a sense of knowing that comes from our soul? Could you share some more about the different or similar ways the hara-cable and the hara/sacral chakra works and how they are registered by our bodies? Thank you.  19:02:23 From Daniel : Do the Archangels, the Elohim, the Ascended Masters and the True Energetic Selves have their own trials and tribulations like we do? 19:02:39 From William Poulos : Do humans and other entities exist in frequency 4? 5? etc. Are such entities aware that they exist in a particular frequency? Are these civilizations more advanced technologically, spiritually? Do they still default to killing each other? 19:03:02 From Daniel : Are you the only one here on this planet without Guides? 19:03:17 From Jagjyot Singh : 1. Could you draw us a picture using traversing the frequencies as to what level which entities preside. 2. protons move all the time is it possible that the parallel realities are just the protons moving in parallel planes after all everything is made of protons? 3.Does event space have its own sentience? 4. What are the various effects of increasing frequency on human body. Can you explain them based on increasing succession. 5. What is the difference between 7th frequency at human level and physical world level. 6.We are sentient beings. How does sentience came to be? who constructed sentience in the origin? 19:03:27 From Daniel : Has anyone else ever had an embodyment without guides. Have all your embodyments been without Guides? 19:03:28 From William Poulos : If we ascend to frequencies 13 & 14 when leaving the earth body, how is it that ascension occurs to the higher frequencies beyond 14? I presume our TESes’ exist in frequencies higher than 14, if so when/how do we reunite with our TESes? 19:03:57 From Daniel : Why without guides it would seem that this would be a wonderful opportunity for many to grow and evolve to higher levels working with you closely? 19:04:52 From Daniel : If they ever pull the plug on this work in this planet and desire to start again who would make the decision? How would that decision be made? Is there a chance of this happening? What can we do as your students to make it better so that it does not happen? 19:07:25 From William Poulos : In our frequency 1-3 physicality, if there an end to space or is it infinite. Or is space just a construct in the mind of Source? Our minds cannot comprehend either, why not? 19:10:23 From Yara : If the "elites, higher ups, decision makers, illuminati...etc" have the secrets and knowledge, what's the point of wreaking destruction and expending billions in the guise or goal of gaining the same ie: if one knows one is immortal what's the point of wreaking havoc to gain immortality what's the point of what's happening? 19:12:46 From Daniel : Do you ever have dark times and difficulties? What are the things you do to pull yourself up and get out of sadness, depression or doubts and fears? 19:13:04 From Yara : Also is there going to be another group meditation? -hopeful- 19:13:43 From Mohanavelu : Reacted to "Also is there going ..." with 👍 19:19:53 From Yara : How can I best imagine/address/connect/commune/ and approach relationship with God/ Source? 19:22:55 From William Poulos : Why has humanity been kept in the dark, subject to religious dogma as a control mechanism until now? Why have you been given access to the Greater Reality now and not 100 years ago, or 100 years from now? 19:24:30 From Daniel : you are a fantastic teacher and friend. When we encounter you in spirit will we recognize you and Anne? 19:24:44 From Yara : Reacted to "you are a fantastic ..." with 🤍 19:26:40 From Daniel : Do the white children have Guides? 19:27:37 From Lekan Alabi : Do people who reach a high enough level of spirituality experience the flow state continuously? 19:28:15 From Daniel : Do all Aliens have Guides? 19:30:08 From EYE : How can we move past self-judgement? Does self-judgement limit us? 19:31:03 From William Poulos : Will It take humanity another 1000 years to fully accept the Greater Reality vs Religious dogma? 19:32:09 From Yara : Thank you so very much Guy, I echo Daniels' sentiment that you are such a wonderful teacher and friend and I am very grateful for your work and this container 19:32:28 From Lekan Alabi : Reacted to "Thank you so very mu…" with ❤️ 19:33:42 From Eliza Yvette Esquivel : Reacted to "Thank you so very mu..." with ❤️ 19:33:47 From Eliza Yvette Esquivel : Reacted to "you are a fantastic ..." with ❤️ 19:35:15 From Mohanavelu : Reacted to "Thank you so very mu..." with ❤️ 19:39:48 From Eliza Yvette Esquivel : Thank you Guy, much love!! 19:39:54 From Yara : Thank you so much