19:00:00 From Ulla : Previously you said that Evolution will happen spontaneously after 1000 evolutionary cycles! What do you mean? Does it require sentient entities to drive evolution? Or is it happening so fast that it just “appears" to be spontaneous, because there is so much sentient volume behind it, creating and absorbing the experiences at an exponential rate of evolution? Please give us a clue! Do the 12 Source Entities in essence have a higher version of “individualized free will” (similar to humans at lower frequencies), because they operate independently, create what they want, oversee their creations and share their experiences and learning with each other and the Origin later, so to speak? How do they stay “independent” during this whole process without being “contaminated” by ideas from other entities? You said they are in communication with each other and the Origin all the time? What is the origin of Quan Yin, the goddess of compassion and mercy? Is she projected from SE1 or from elsewhere? Is there a male counterpart or twin flame? She hears the sounds of suffering from the human world to heal and protect those in pain and need. God knows we need her right now! 19:03:37 From William Poulos : As we are all ultimately aspects of source, why is it that source has within itself such utter and complete dysfunction expressed through the human condition? 19:03:52 From Daniel : Previous Satsanga your comment about the answers to our questions caused me to contemplate why you answered questions the way you did. You said something to the effect, "these answers were not or may not have been what you expected." Answers were different than expected for sure maybe startling in some cases causing me to pay attention more to what you are saying in your answers. "Sitting on every word". Can you give some insight into how these questions are answered where does most of the information come from and how do you tap into it seemingly with little effort? 19:05:48 From William Poulos : I assume some TESes are more evolved than others. If so, how does that come about? Are TESes or aspects that occupy the higher frequency universes more evolved with the highest the most evolved or just different? 19:06:18 From William Poulos : Did Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, etc. waste their time? While most of humanity seems to be reasonable, throughout the ages up until present day, an ever present minority acts (usually in the form of tyrannical governments and people who are plain evil) to assure that millions live and die in misery. Or is that a good thing so people eventually learn and abandon bad behavior? 19:07:23 From William Poulos : What did Jesus mean when he said, “I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father, but through me.” 19:10:19 From Andy B : There are thousands of near death experience stories, and many of them include returning to a heaven environment that is earthly, but is a divine state of earth. There are schools, buildings, cities, loved ones, but also guides and centers for life reviews described in many of them. Are these mostly just projections of their sentience or are these real places in the energetic. 19:11:28 From Daniel : Turmoil we see in politics, whether, financial world and almost everything seems to be falling apart and mixed with chaotic behavior. Wars and rumors of wars all over the planet. What encouragement, what actions would be more helpful for us to alleviate this darkness? 19:11:48 From Andy B : I’ve heard some buddhists believe that once someone becomes a buddha they no longer have to incarnate, but choose where they want to go in the multiverse to free other “imprisoned minds”. My question then is, what kind of work do ascended masters, and those who have evolved beyond the the physical actually do? Are they still being of service in this way in the energetic realms? For example, what is Yogananda up to at this moment? 19:12:16 From Andy B : Say someone is in a coma for 30 days before they die. Does the soul leave the body at the start of those 30 days, or does it leave once the body finally dies? If it leaves when the body finally dies, what does the soul experience for those 30 days while the the body and brain are virtually inert? 19:13:10 From Mirela : Were there ascended masters in Americas? Who were entities Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan, Wiraqocha (Mexico, South America)? 19:13:22 From Daniel : Do you ever get disappointed with personal attacks and even the unkind words people say about your teachings/revelations, the work you do and the time you put into helping us? Some people reject this high-level information out right and very strongly. Some of my close friends when I share some of the delights I find in this training appear to be prideful, fearful or just habit pattern enough to return to so-called traditional dogma. Standard rhetoric has for the most part put us where we are. How do we uplift some of our friends without upsetting? 19:13:31 From Andy B : A well reputed and somewhat famous channel called Bashar said that their is a 95 percent chance an alien civilization will make global contact with earth by the end of 2026. Have you picked up on this possibility? 19:14:53 From Yara : What to do in such dissaray? (Let inner activist loose? organize meditations such things? keep eyes on prize - surrender to complete positive trust as much as possible?) A lot of lessons recently seemed to have been themed to stay out of it which I have been slightly confused about 19:17:00 From Yara : Would it be safe, right, and worthwhile to attempt to connect with ascended souls who have lost their lives in war as victims or soldiers who now have clarity and would wish to change what their lives were used in/clear karma/ set things right? to enlist their energetic help? 19:24:26 From William Poulos : Have the people of Venezuela, North Korea, etc. incarnated there because they need to have the experience of living in totalitarian states as opposed to people incarnating or migrating to relatively free states who are somehow blessed? If so, then does that mean that we should be unconcerned about these people and those that subjugate them? 19:25:14 From Daniel : are our Guides more advanced than us? 19:36:04 From Yara : Thank you so much, Always 19:38:47 From William Poulos : Thank you Guy 19:38:49 From Mohanavelu : Thank you.. 19:38:56 From Ulla Sarmiento : Thanks! 19:39:06 From Mirela : Thank you.