19:02:42 From Ayanava Paul : Next question.....How big is the origin? Does origin has a Boundary? What is beyond the origin? 19:02:58 From Ayanava Paul : Next question..... How will this cycle end? What will happen near the end of this cycle when everything merges back to origin and it begins its next cycle? 19:02:59 From Eliza Yvette Esquivel : How often are souls able to connect with the other aspects of their TES who are not in this timeline, or are on other frequencies? 19:03:08 From Ayanava Paul : Next question..... What is the relationship between Atlantis and Hinduism or India? 19:03:15 From Daniel : thoughts on voting for leadership in our respective countries? 19:03:21 From Ayanava Paul : Next question.....Did atlantis only have human beings or there were beings from other civilizations too? 19:03:32 From Ayanava Paul : Next question.... Are other alien civilizations within or outside our physical universe?.... Are there any in our own Milky way galaxy? 19:03:32 From Julia Cat : in which frequency do most people’s TES locate? 19:03:43 From Ayanava Paul : Next question......Is male and female sex common in all galactic civilizations or are there any other sexes? 19:03:55 From Ayanava Paul : Next question.....Are ascended masters allowed to have wife, children and a family? 19:04:07 From Ayanava Paul : Next question......Did Jesus receive any help from Babaji or any other masters? Did he ever travel to India to learn about different concepts? 19:04:19 From Ayanava Paul : Next question.......What is the cause and effect of karma? For example If I harm a person will the same person harm me again in other incarnations? Did we agree to harm each other? 19:04:30 From Ayanava Paul : Next question.... Does origin know about its unmapped areas. What happens there? Does it have awareness or sentient? 19:04:45 From Ayanava Paul : Next question...... What will happen when the entire area of origin is mapped out? If origin is infinite and has no limits then this process will never end. 19:04:54 From Ayanava Paul : Next question...... What is a karmic link and if it is not broken is it possible to move out of this physical? 19:05:04 From Ayanava Paul : Next question..... Are demons real and do Demonic possessions happen? There are certain practices in witchcraft where they summon some demonic entities, so what are they? 19:05:10 From Daniel : how can we effect in a more positive manner better more effective leadership on the planet? 19:05:14 From Ayanava Paul : Next question.....What is witchcraft? How can it be explained from an energetic perspective? 19:05:26 From Ayanava Paul : Next question.....Did ancient Hindus got any help from other alien civilizations? 19:05:36 From Ayanava Paul : Next question.... Is origin actually made of energy? So that means everything is energy and energy is manifested into matter according to special relativity by Einstein. 19:05:46 From Ayanava Paul : Next question.... A classic question, what is the meaning of life according to Guy Steven needler 19:05:56 From Ayanava Paul : Next question.... What is the meaning of the word manifestation from an energetic perspective? What's the difference between manifested and unmanifested energy? 19:06:06 From Ayanava Paul : Next question...... What is witchcraft, black magic or voodoo? Every culture has these kinds of things where they summon so called demons or other entities. So how can you explain them? 19:06:17 From Ayanava Paul : Next question..... Is it possible to see Jesus, Krishna or Buddha in real life right now? Can anyone get a vision of them now such that they can have a direct conversation with them? 19:06:34 From Ayanava Paul : Can guy Steven needler communicate with the origin and get answers anytime anywhere he wants or it is a lengthy process? 19:07:02 From Faith Nouri : What is our current frequency level? How the current affairs lead to increase or decrease the frequency level? When do you see us moving to higher frequency? 19:09:36 From Julia Cat : By my understanding of parallel universes, does a soul’s whole experience of a life based on how many possibilities of choices this person can make? 19:12:41 From Julia Cat : Jehovah is the source of the first full dimension or it is the origin? 19:15:20 From Faith Nouri : It seems like we really do not know much or cannot understand the level of structure or level of convoluted event space among others. It also seems that even the information we are obtaining is based on channeling or others perspectives or understanding so everything we are learning is not from Knowing. We just seem to go from one belief system to another by accepting and adopting ideologies. Concept of Jesus or Moses etc was good at the time and now we have newer concepts. We really cannot know what is "true" since truth is based on perception and it is not based on personal knowing except our feeling but even that can be manipulated by higher frequency. What is your take on this? 19:25:43 From Faith Nouri : Is it possible to have a child and not accrue karma 19:30:05 From Julia Cat : while we are having our experiences in lower frequency, do our TESs also have their own particular experiences in the frequency they are in? Are they living there with any purpose of their own while feeling everything we (their aspects) feel? 19:33:31 From Eliza Yvette Esquivel : If time doesn't exist, and everything is happening now - then are all the incarnations of our TES, human and not, within our communicative reach in meditation? 19:39:05 From Runi Sørensen : No question for me today, but just wanted to write that I will send you an important (to me) e-mail in a few hours, so just a little heads-up :-) Thanks for today!