19:00:19 From Nichole: What do our guides and helpers do in the energetic, when they are not assisting us? I've often wondered, do they take breaks or do they work 24/7 because they don't have a body to bog them down? Does it even feel like work? Do they take vacations, do they even need them? Are they around us ALL THE TIME, and do they hear us every time we talk to them, and can they hear us if we just think about them? Do they ever leave our side to do other things? How are the guides chosen for us? Are they all ascended masters or just sentient beings like us who have evolved into a higher dimension? Do they have to have a minimum amount of experience to be a guide? Do they go to guide school? What about the helpers? Can I aim for this position down the road? hahahaha I realize this looks like a slew of q's but hopefully they're in the same vein and can be answered categorically. Of course if it's too long, feel free to edit! Thanks Guy! 19:02:22 From Daniel : Who will stop the wars? 19:03:20 From Eliza Yvette Esquivel : The Origin seems to have quite a sense of humor. Can you tell us the role of play and humor for the Origin and Source? 19:05:42 From Ayanava Paul : Is guy steven needler in evolutionary cycle? 19:06:48 From Ayanava Paul : Is lust, sexual immorality, addiction also a part of learning, evolving and experiencing? 19:07:31 From Daniel : Do we have more opportunity to see both sides of the coin (so to speak) when we have 2 or more souls in our body? is this an advantage and benefit? How is this helpful? 19:08:00 From Ayanava Paul : There is someone I know with whom I feel deeply connected with spiritually. She is also responsible for my spiritual awakening. She does not know me and we haven't met yet in the physical world. Is it possible that our higher selves are communicating with each other in the energetic? 19:08:10 From bibhuti : Hinduism has a tradition of doing a yearly Pooja or worship of those who are dead in the family. There are lots of rules regarding those rituals. Are they still relevant? Who came up with those rules and traditions? 19:09:02 From Ayanava Paul : Is there any difference between Krishna, jesus, muhammad or Buddha? Are they all the same or one is more advanced than the other? 19:09:54 From Ayanava Paul : I am having a huge spiritual awakening and downloads for over 2 years now. But I have also got addicted to certain low frequency things. Can you explain what is happening? 19:10:27 From Runi Sørensen : Hello Guy, for context I'm currently reading The Curators and have read all your books up to it. Your channeled work is amazing, but I have noticed one particular 'glaring omission' compared to a completeness of knowledge. Your books tend to avoid the topic of negative entities/beings and the negative path of evolution, and conflict between the positive and negative polarities that exist in also the next few higher dimensions. For what reason did SE1 not comment on those (non-human)beings who seek the enslavement of others, and seek to control and manipulate for power? Is it due to your own TES's lack of contact with that part of our multiverse? Thanks! 19:10:32 From Ayanava Paul : When was I first projected from my true energetic self as an individualized unit? If I am right now in cycle of reincarnation then was there anytime where I was projected for the first time? Was I projected into a human vehicle? 19:11:21 From Ayanava Paul : next question....If I were to see the origin today how would it look like? 19:11:53 From Ayanava Paul : Next question....Does energy like electricity and heat have sentience? You have said everything is origin so everything is energy. Then what is the difference between origin and electric or heat energy? 19:12:20 From Ayanava Paul : next question....Is guy Steven needler an ascended master? Is he in evolutionary cycle and is he from SE1? What's the difference between him and Krishna, Babaji or Jesu 19:12:51 From Ayanava Paul : Next question...What is the difference between me and Jeusu Christ? What is the difference between my True Energetic self and Jesus's Energetic sel 19:13:41 From Ayanava Paul : Next question...Can you explain in detail that when and how the soul gets into this human vehicle? 19:15:31 From bibhuti : How do we know the difference between thoughts and spiritual downloads? 19:15:36 From Ayanava Paul : Why so many ascended masters are from India or Hinduism. Is there anything special about India? 19:15:48 From Ayanava Paul : How hindus were able to gain access to all these informations many thousands of years ago? 19:16:16 From Ayanava Paul : Next question...What is the real cause of ignorance? Some people fight by saying there is no God while some people fight by saying their version of God is correct. So what prevents the souls from discovering the reality? Why they live in denial, illusion, ignorance and keep fighting with each other? 19:19:44 From Ayanava Paul : Next question....If I want can I loose my individuality and become one with the source after this lifetime is over? Is it something that is totally dependent upon my freewill if I no longer want to remain individualized. 19:21:39 From Nina Špolar : How can we sort out our co-existing souls/aspects ourselves? When we loose control of our vehicle that is. Can we even do it? 19:22:54 From Daniel : Leadership on the planet seem poor, can we improve the overall leadership, is this possible? 19:25:19 From Runi Sørensen : Ayanava, I can answer your last Q about individuality, since he probably won't get to it. Read The Anne Dialogues for a comprehensive answer (as I remember). You can become one with the Source when you have returned to it after your evolutionary journey, at that point your TES can choose to retain its individuality and become total with the Source and lose individuality. It would be unlikely that you have completed your whole evolutionary journey after this lifetime. 19:26:09 From Runi Sørensen : I meant "or" so retaining indviduality is a choice* 19:35:27 From Runi Sørensen : Since you asked, I didn't get an answer to my question (but I agree with your general description of detachment from good/evil), but the question is probably more suitable for an e-mail conversation :) 19:39:54 From Ulla Sarmiento : thank you, Guy!